Kids today carry their Nintendo DSI using them everywhere -- the mall, restaurants, flights, trips and seemingly everywhere involving. Many parents purchase ready-made cases to shield the DSI from getting broken or damaged, but if you need a one-of-a-kind accessory that reflects your son or daughter's personal style, consider sewing an incident for your Nintendo DSI. The choices are endless. You can choose fabric depicting popular sports team, childrens favourite plus much more.


1. Measure the the circumference in the DSI while it is closed, from your front latch towards the hinges and back around on the latch and add 2 ½ inches. Then, measure its width and add 1 ½ inches.

2. Fold the material in half lengthwise, right sides together and selvages aligned.  jklzaeqc 1119

3. Work with a fabric marker or chalk to attract a rectangle, that could function as the dsi case, directly on the rear of the pad. Mark the width on the fold toward the sides. Cut two of the rectangles.

4. Utilize a fabric marker or chalk to draw a 7-inch line through the fold to the correct and then an 8-inch vertical line. This piece will function as a flap to seal true. Cut two.

5. Fold the cotton batting in two lengthwise. Cut one rectangle on the same dimensions because fabric to the DSI case.

6. To assemble the flap, center and stitch the hook side in the Velcro onto the right side in the flap piece, 1 inch through the base.

7. With right sides together, pin the flap pieces with raw edges aligned, and stitch a ½ seam three sides, leaving the most notable edge open. Clip the corners, turn the flap right side out, and press.

8. Lay the two fabric rectangles for the DSI case with wrong sides together along with a layer of batting totally. Pin through all three layers and employ a disappearing fabric marker to mark with fabric with quilting lines. Diagonal lines about 2 inches apart work nicely.

9. Occurs machine to quilt the layers together following the lines.

10. Determine which side is definitely the not in the dsi cases and fold the quilted material by 50 percent by bringing underneath nearly the most notable, wrong sides together, matching raw edges. Measure 4 inches from the top edge, center the loop Velcro and stitch it in situ.

11. Fold the quilted material in two again, now with right sides together. Pin and stitch them from the rectangle utilizing a half-inch seam. Leave the highest open.

12. Trim the seam allowances and bind them the purchased bias tape, fully encasing the seam. Turn the sleeve right side out.

13. With right sides together and raw edges aligned, pin back the flap towards center in the sleeve. Baste in place.

14. Use double fold bias tape to complete the raw edges with the the surface of the sleeve.

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